SubMission Audio ShinzBass KONTAKT| 4.45 GB SHINZBASS 您可以触手可及地拥有前卫金属最令人羡慕的虚拟贝斯,毫不费力地重现 Nick 的标志性音色 Job For A Cowboy、Cephalic Carnage 和 Havok。 无论您是在创作摇滚、流行、放克、前卫作品,还是直接使用死亡金属,ShinzBass 都是您的解决方案。 音调 Yin (DI):乐器的原始声音,直接通过高端录音室级录音硬件捕获。像处理任何其他贝斯一样处理 – 使用您最喜欢的插件、踏板或放大器。这允许最大的灵活性;按照自己的方式混合低音。 Ram’s Head:重现 Jason Suecof 在 Job For A Cowboy 的“Moon Healer”专辑中的精确处理链的音调。 可以把它想象成一个热棒 DI,由传奇制作人专业塑造,完美契合鼓和吉他之间的差距。 Yang:一种经典的“砂砾”音调,很容易被推入失真,基于 Nick 与 Havok 的合作。非常适合较重的音乐。 特征 Warwick Dolphin:用于 Kontakt Player 的 Warwick Dolphin 5 弦低音吉他的非常逼真的虚拟模型。 调谐范围 ShinzBass 的调谐范围为 C0 至 A4。它在整个音符范围内都经过完美调音,因此它可以在您录制吉他时充当调音参考。 末日按钮 有意缩小循环,为您提供最强大、最直接的样本,以降低真实感并提高一致性——适用于那些不希望出现差异的情况。 人性化 使用人性化控件为您的表演注入自然变化,添加细微的差异以获得更有机的感觉。 “位置”控件是一种方便的方式,可以选择您希望在虚拟指板上进行演奏的位置。 为了获得绝对控制,我们的 Force String 发音可以准确地选择每个音符的琴弦,让您能够在音调上与您的吉他即兴演奏 1 比 1 匹配。 使用“配置”菜单重新绑定按键开关、设置低音调音和调整音高弯曲范围,以便根据您的个人工作流程进行最终自定义。 原生乐器 – KONTAKT 作为 Native Instruments 的官方合作伙伴,ShinzBass 运行在行业标准的免费 Kontakt 播放器中,这意味着您不必担心任何额外的隐藏费用。Kontakt 是业内使用最广泛、兼容性最广的采样器,这意味着有一个强大的专业团队可以让它完美地为您工作。 TRUBASS 技术 使用我们行业领先的 truBass 引擎体验无与伦比的真实感,提供真实低音吉他的真实感觉和动态响应。 多重采样 整个乐器 的每个品位都经过多重采样,因此您可以像真正的贝斯手一样对演奏进行编程。 TRUSLIDES 我们的 truSlide 算法可以从虚拟指板上的任何音符滑动到任何其他音符,以您想要的任何速度或速度曲线,以完美匹配您的真实吉他的滑轨。 智能交替拾取 我们专有的速度同步交替拾取算法具有强大的循环,无论您的音乐速度如何,都不会听起来像样本在重复。 PACKET FRESH’ TONE ShinzBass 采用全新的钢弦采样,这意味着您总能获得可爱的“PACKET FRESH”音色,而不会磨损。专业贝斯录音的平均成本通常是 ShinzBass 价格的几倍,仅弦乐包。 系统要求 macOS Kontakt 或 Kontakt Player 6.7 或更高版本。 macOS 10.14 – macOS 13(最新更新)。 Intel i5 或更高版本和 Apple 芯片。 4 GB RAM(推荐 6GB+)。 图形硬件支持 OpenGL 2.1 或更高版本和 Direct 3D 11.1(功能级别 11_0)或更高版本。 下载和激活本产品需要 Internet 连接。安装并激活后,该产品可以离线使用。 仅限 64 位。 单机版、VST3、AU、AAX。 Windows Contact 或 Contact Player 6.7 或更高版本。 Windows 10 或 11(最新 Service Pack)。 Intel Core i5 或同等 CPU。 4 GB RAM(推荐 6GB+)。 图形硬件支持 OpenGL 2.1 或更高版本和 Direct 3D 11.1(功能级别 11_0)或更高版本。 下载和激活本产品需要 Internet 连接。安装并激活后,该产品可以离线使用。 仅限 64 位。 单机版、VST3、AAX。 SHINZBASS You can have progressive metal’s most enviable virtual bass at your fingertips, effortlessly recreating Nick’s iconic tones with Job For A Cowboy, Cephalic Carnage and Havok. Whether you’re writing rock, pop, funk, a progressive opus, or getting down with straight up death metal, ShinzBass is your solution. TONES Yin (DI): The raw sound of the instrument, captured directly via high end, studio-grade recording hardware. Process as you would any other bass – using your favourite plugins, pedals or amps. This allows ultimate flexibility; mix the bass on your own terms. Ram’s Head: A tone recreating Jason Suecof’s exact processing chain from Job For A Cowboy’s ‘Moon Healer’ album. Think of this as a hot-rodded DI, expertly molded by a legendary producer to perfectly fit the gap between drums and guitars. Yang: A classic ‘grit’ tone which can easily be pushed into distortion, based on Nick’s work with Havok. Ideal for heavier music. FEATURES Warwick Dolphin: Exceptionally realistic virtual model of a Warwick Dolphin 5-string bass guitar for Kontakt Player. THE TUNING RANGE The tuning range of ShinzBass is C0 up to A4. It’s been tuned perfectly across the entire note range, so it can act as a tuning reference whenever you’re recording guitars. THE DOOM BUTTON Intentionally shrinks the round robin, giving you the most powerful, direct samples for reduced realism and greater consistency – for those times where variance is undesirable. HUMANIZE Infuse your performance with natural variation using the Humanize control, adding subtle differences for a more organic feel. The Position control is a convenient way to select where on the virtual fretboard you’d like the performance to take place. For absolute control, our Force String articulation can select exactly which string each note is performed on, giving you the ability to tonally match your guitar riffs 1 to 1. Use the Configuration menu to rebind keyswitches, set the tuning of the bass, and adjust the pitch bend range for ultimate customization to your personal workflow. NATIVE INSTRUMENTS – KONTAKT As an official Native Instruments partner, ShinzBass runs in the industry standard free Kontakt Player, meaning you don’t have to worry about any additional hidden costs. Kontakt is the most widely used and widely compatible sampler in the industry, meaning there is a robust team of professionals available to make it work perfectly for you. TRUBASS TECHNOLOGY Experience unparalleled realism with our industry-leading truBass engine, delivering the authentic feel and dynamic response of a real bass guitar. MULTI-SAMPLING Every fret position across the entire instrument has been multi-sampled, so you can program the performance exactly as a real bassist would play it. TRUSLIDES Our truSlide algorithm can slide from any note on the virtual fretboard, to any other note, at whatever speed or velocity curve you desire, to perfectly match the slides of your real guitars. INTELLIGENT ALTERNATE PICKING Our proprietary tempo-synced alternate picking algorithm has a robust round robin that never sounds like samples are repeating, no matter the speed of your music. PACKET FRESH’ TONE ShinzBass was sampled with brand new steel strings, meaning that you always get that lovely ‘packet fresh’ tone, with no wear down. The average professional bass recording session often costs several times the price of ShinzBass in string packets alone. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS macOS Kontakt or Kontakt Player 6.7 or later. macOS 10.14 – macOS 13 (latest update). Intel i5 or higher and Apple silicon. 4 GB RAM (6GB+ recommended). Graphics hardware support for OpenGL 2.1 or higher and Direct 3D 11.1 (Feature Level 11_0) or higher. An Internet connection is required to download and activate this product. Once installed and activated, the product can be used offline. 64-bit only. Stand-alone, VST3, AU, AAX. Windows Kontakt or Kontakt Player 6.7 or later. Windows 10 or 11 (latest Service Pack). Intel Core i5 or equivalent CPU. 4 GB RAM (6GB+ recommended). Graphics hardware support for OpenGL 2.1 or higher and Direct 3D 11.1 (Feature Level 11_0) or higher. An Internet connection is required to download and activate this product. Once installed and activated, the product can be used offline. 64-bit only. Stand-alone, VST3, AAX.
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