P2P | 25 October 2024 | 8.04 GB
一个多功能的 MIDI Kontakt 乐器和鼓库,具有由 Josh Middleton 在著名的 Middle Farm Studios 录制的混音就绪鼓
Ultimate Heavy Drums 是一款用途广泛的架子鼓。拥有 14 种不同的军鼓、10 种不同的底鼓、3 套嗵鼓和各种钹。这些令人印象深刻的声音经过精细打磨和预处理,力求完美。该乐器还拥有非常有价值的内置混音功能库。
由来自英国的获奖吉他手、歌手、词曲作者和制作人 Josh Middleton 设计和录制。在他的整个职业生涯中,Josh 一直参与制作和混音各种乐队(Sylosis、Architects、Kreator、Heriot、Nakkeknaeker、Malevolence)。
Tilt EQ 将允许您使用简单的水平推子使套件的任何部分更亮或更暗。我希望这个库在你打开后立即被完全处理并 “混合就绪”。但是,如果能够微调每个元素的亮度或暗度,则可以更好地控制混音中的这些声音。
包络滤波器还使你能够控制每个鼓组的起音、延音和释音,但方式与 Transient Designer 不同。这些工作更像是淡入和淡出。特别是延音和释音功能的组合,可以让你在鼓中听到完整的延音和共鸣,但会增加更突然的淡出。例如,这种技术可以让你的鼓以一个很好的初始延音 “唱歌”,但控制更突然的淡出以平衡衰减的长度。
One-Shot 样品加载器
One-shot 采样是单次打击采样,可以加载到此 Kontakt 乐器中,以便与库中的声音相结合。这个一次性采样插槽可用于底鼓和军鼓混音器。没有自己的样本库:我们提供了来自此库的单脚鼓和军鼓 WAV 样本作为单独的下载,因此您可以在混音中组合不同的声音。
音高 – 与乐器中的所有其他混音功能一样,音高控件也适用于套件的每个部分。这可以开辟鼓音的更多可能性。它在更改军鼓的特性时特别有用。它还可以用于匹配您可能想要使用的任何 one-shot 样本的音高或相位。
Reverb – 完全控制套件每个部分所需的混响量。
Slate 触发器文件
作为单独下载,随您的订单提供一个包含 Slate Trigger TCI 文件的文件夹。这些是 TCI 形式的鼓库中的多力度声音。所有经过预处理和 “混音就绪 ”的声音都可以加载到你的混音中,以获得与 “Ultimate Heavy Drums” Kontakt 乐器相同的底鼓、军鼓和嗵鼓声音。其中包括所有脚鼓、军鼓和嗵鼓的近距离顶置麦克风(立体声)和室内麦克风(立体声)样本。要使用这些文件,您必须拥有“Slate Trigger”插件。你不需要 ‘Slate Trigger’ 来下载和使用 ‘Ultimate Heavy Drums’ Kontakt 乐器。
A versatile MIDI Kontakt instrument and drum library featuring mix-ready drums recorded at the prestigious Middle Farm Studios by Josh Middleton
Ultimate Heavy Drums is an extremely versatile drum kit. Boasting 14 different snares, 10 different kick drums, 3 sets of toms and a wide array of cymbals. These impressive sounds are finely honed and pre-processed to perfection. The instrument also harbours an incredibly valuable arsenal of built-in mixing features.
Designed and recorded by Josh Middleton, an award winning guitarist, vocalist, songwriter and producer from the UK. Josh has been involved in producing and mixing a wide variety of bands throughout his career (Sylosis, Architects, Kreator, Heriot, Nakkeknaeker, Malevolence).
Tilt EQ
The tilt EQ will allow you make any piece of the kit brighter or darker with a simple horizontal fader. I wanted this library to be fully processed and ‘mix-ready’ as soon as you open it. But having the ability to fine-tune the how bright or dark each element is will give you even more control over these sounds in your mix.
Transient Designer
This enables you to increase or decrease the attack and sustain of each individual piece of the kit to give you maximum control of the punch and sustain of every element of your drum mix.
Envelope Filters
The envelope filters also enable you to control the attack, sustain and release of each kit piece but in a different way to the transient designer. These work more like fade ins and fade outs. The combination of the sustain and release features in particular can allow you to hear a full sustain and resonance in a drum but add a more abrupt fade out. For example, this technique can allow your drums to ‘sing’ with a nice initial sustain but control a more abrupt fade-out to balance out the length of the decay.
One-Shot Sample Loader
One-shot samples are single hit samples that can be loaded into this Kontakt instrument to combine with the sounds from the library. This one-shot sample slots are on both kick and snare mixers. Don’t have your own library of samples We’ve included single kick and snare WAV samples from this library as a separate download so you can combine different sounds in your mixes.
Pitch & Reverb
Pitch – As with every other mix feature within the instrument, the pitch controls also work on every single piece of the kit. This can open up even more possibilities of drum tones. It’s particularly useful in changing the characteristic of a snare drum. It can also be used to match the pitch or phase of any one-shot samples you may want to use.
Reverb – Have full control over the amount of reverb you want on each piece of the kit.
Slate Trigger Files
Provided as a separate download with your order is a folder containing Slate Trigger TCI files. These are the multi-velocity sounds from the drum library in TCI form. All of the pre-processed and ‘mix-ready’ sounds that you can load into your mixes to get the same kick, snare and tom sounds as the ‘Ultimate Heavy Drums’ Kontakt instrument. These include close, overhead mic (stereo) and room mic (stereo) samples for all kicks, snares and toms. To use these files you must own the ‘Slate Trigger’ plugin. You do not need ‘Slate Trigger’ to download and use the ‘Ultimate Heavy Drums’ Kontakt instrument.