[最新康泰克采样器]Native Instruments Kontakt 8 v8.1.0+安装教程+使用教程 [WiN, MacOSX](1.24GB+1.4GB)

[最新康泰克采样器]Native Instruments Kontakt 8 v8.1.0+安装教程+使用教程 [WiN, MacOSX](1.24GB+1.4GB)-果果音源网
[最新康泰克采样器]Native Instruments Kontakt 8 v8.1.0+安装教程+使用教程 [WiN, MacOSX](1.24GB+1.4GB)

图片[1]-[最新康泰克采样器]Native Instruments Kontakt 8 v8.1.0+安装教程+使用教程 [WiN, MacOSX](1.24GB+1.4GB)-果果音源网

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Win:bobdule | Date: 2024.10 | Size: 1.24 GB
Mac(U2B):MORiA | STANDALONE | AUi | VST3i | 1.4 GB
Mac(Intel):HCiSO | 22 October 2024 | 1.75 GB

KONTAKT 8重新发明的虚拟乐器平台。

想象任何声音 – Kontakt 可让您找到它、创建它并转换它。我们革命性的采样平台的最新版本结合了一套全新的智能工具和无数的声音设计选项,重新定义了您产生想法和创作音乐的方式。大量的声音选择。Kontakt 拥有世界上最大的虚拟乐器系列。凭借数千个库,它是通往 Native Instruments、我们的官方合作伙伴和数十名独立开发者的高品质声音的门户。此外,一切都是完全可调整的,因此您可以制作任何自己的声音。

Kontakt 拥有世界上最大的虚拟乐器系列。凭借数千个库,它是通往 Native Instruments、我们的官方合作伙伴和数十名独立开发者的高品质声音的门户。此外,一切都是完全可调整的,因此您可以制作任何自己的声音。

Kontakt 8 有什么新功能?

Smash writer’s block
Tools 添加了一层全新的创意功能,让灵感源源不断。而且它们适用于任何新旧 Kontakt 乐器。作为我们的第一款产品,我们推出了 MIDI 内容和带有和弦和短语的随机化功能,旨在激发新想法并让您快速进入状态。

快速有趣的循环控制 Leap 是一种超快且好玩的播放和操作循环的方式。激发新想法,加入富有表现力的表演效果,或者只是即兴演奏。为您的样本收藏注入新的活力,或者使用我们的新 Leap Expansions
系列尝试一些全新的东西,从针对特定流派和风格的 12 个精选包开始。

Kontakt 的 Factory Library 包含数百种精心采样的乐器。从大量可演奏和可调整的声学和电子选项开始演奏,包括 Orchestral Tools 的著名合集以及 Hybrid Keys。

您最喜爱的所有 Kontakt 乐器都在这里制作。强大的功能集使 Kontakt 成为全球乐器开发人员的首选,而且它通过增强的合成器功能变得更强大,包括实时波表、频率调制和环形调制振荡器。

8.1.0 – 2024-10-21

添加 AAX 插件现在可从 Kontakt 6 和 7 迁移到 Kontakt 8
添加新的放大器和踏板效果:Super Fast 100、Chainsaw、Kolor、Skreamer Deluxe
修复 加载工具后,DAW 未拾取空格键 修复
崩溃 修复 恢复具有大量(>10)Kontakt 实例的 ProTools 项目时崩溃 修复
从默认视图侧窗格加载工具或 Leap 预设后,预览继续播放
修复 在 ProTools 中拖放以创建 Kontakt 实例会调出缺少内容对话框
修复 工具“Retrigger”和“Dyn Mode”宏旋钮在 Maschine/Komplete Kontrol 中或自动化时未显示值
改进 Bass Invader 放大器现在可以处理立体声信号

添加更多发送 FX 延迟和混响类型
固定 如果在播放时移动指针,播放将停止
固定 播放页面上的宏旋钮缺少悬停状态
固定 复制样本后的问题 固定
使用 Beat Machine 在自动或 REX 模式下捕捉时,捕捉功能会在样本结束和开始后考虑点
固定 缩放模式下卡住的锁存音符
固定 参数标签未在 Kontrol MK3 上绘制
固定 更改 Bitwig 中的音频设备会弹出“缺少内容”对话框
固定 更改任何样本的引擎会杀死所有当前声音
固定 更换正在播放的锁存循环导致虚拟键盘上出现卡住的音符
改进 Perform FX 和 Macro FX 切换现在固定到 Sound 和 Engine 选项卡
更改 捕捉模式现在默认为 Grid

已修复 KSP:多脚本中具有随机值的 $EVENT_NOTE 和 $EVENT_VELOCITY 内置变量的回归
已修复 KSP:从多脚本发送的 (N)RPN 消息未到达乐器脚本
改进的 KSP:NKS2 参数组现在最多可以有 48 个参数
添加的 API:set_zone_group() 命令

已知问题 Windows 上某些 VST3 DAW(Live、Cubase、Studio One)的默认视图侧边栏中的箭头键不起作用
已知问题 通过在 OS Finder/Explorer 中双击加载这些文件启动 Kontakt 时,无法打开新的 Kontakt 相关文件类型(NKL、NKT) 已知问题
在 macOS 上,如果通过 D&D 移动 Kontakt 插件,则只有第二次按下空格键输入以开始/停止播放才能到达 DAW

KONTAKT 8 The virtual instrument platform reinvented.

Imagine any sound – Kontakt lets you find it, create it, and transform it. The latest edition of our revolutionary sampling platform combines a brand-new set of intelligent tools with countless sound design options, redefining how you generate ideas and make music. A huge choice of sound. Kontakt hosts the world’s largest range of virtual instruments. With thousands of libraries, it’s the gateway to quality sound from Native Instruments, our official partners, and scores of indie developers. Plus, everything is completely tweakable, so you can make any sound your own.

A huge choice of sound
Kontakt hosts the world’s largest range of virtual instruments. With thousands of libraries, it’s the gateway to quality sound from Native Instruments, our official partners, and scores of indie developers. Plus, everything is completely tweakable, so you can make any sound your own.

What’s new in Kontakt 8?
Our most feature-packed release yet is here to transform the way you generate, modulate, and playback sound. Plus, it’s packed with performance updates so you can work faster than ever.

Smash writer’s block
Tools add a completely new layer of creative features to get the ideas flowing. And they work with any Kontakt instrument, old and new. For our first drop, we’re launching MIDI content and randomization features with Chords and Phrases, designed to spark new ideas and get you in the zone fast.

Fast and fun loop control
Leap is an ultra-fast and playful way to play and manipulate loops. Spark fresh ideas, sprinkle in expressive performance effects, or just jam. Breathe new life into your sample collection or try something totally fresh with our new Leap Expansions series, starting with 12 curated packs for specific genres and styles.

Get going with hundreds of included instruments
Kontakt’s Factory Library comes packed with over hundreds of meticulously sampled instruments. Get started with a huge playable and tweakable selection of acoustic and electronic options, including the renowned collection from Orchestral Tools, plus Hybrid Keys.

Dream it, build it
All your favorite Kontakt instruments are built right here. The powerful feature set makes Kontakt the first choice for instrument developers worldwide, and it just got even bigger with enhanced synth capabilities, including real-time wavetable, frequency modulation, and ring modulation oscillators.

8.1.0 – 2024-10-21

ADDED AAX Plugin migration is now available from Kontakt 6 and 7 to Kontakt 8
ADDED New amp and stomp effects: Super Fast 100, Chainsaw, Kolor, Skreamer Deluxe
FIXED Space bar did not get picked up by the DAW after a Tool has been loaded
FIXED Crash when showing the Batch Resave dialog in default view
FIXED Crash when restoring a ProTools project with a large number (>10) of Kontakt instances
FIXED Previews continued to play after Tool or Leap presets were loaded from the Default View side pane
FIXED Drag and drop to create an instance of Kontakt in ProTools brought up the Missing Content dialog
FIXED Tool “Retrigger” and “Dyn Mode” macro knobs did not show values in Maschine/Komplete Kontrol or when automated
IMPROVED Bass Invader amp can now process stereo signals

ADDED More Send FX Delay and Reverb types
FIXED Playback stopped if pointer is moved while playing
FIXED Macro knobs on play page were missing hover states
FIXED Issues after duplicating samples
FIXED Snap functionality took points after the sample end and start into account when snapping in Auto or REX mode using Beat Machine
FIXED Stuck latched notes in scaled mode
FIXED Parameter labels were not drawing on Kontrol MK3
FIXED Changing audio device in Bitwig brought up the Missing Content dialog
FIXED Changing the engine of any sample killed all current voices
FIXED Replacing a playing latched loop led to a stuck note on virtual keyboard
IMPROVED Perform FX and Macro FX toggles are now pinned to both Sound and Engine tabs
CHANGED Snap mode now defaults to Grid

ADDED KSP: $NI_EPP_EQ_MODE_E_GRAND built-in constant
FIXED KSP: Regression with $EVENT_NOTE and $EVENT_VELOCITY built-in variables having random values in multiscript
FIXED KSP: (N)RPN messages sent from multiscript did not reach instrument scripts
IMPROVED KSP: NKS2 parameter groups can now have up to 48 parameters
ADDED API: set_zone_group() command

KNOWN ISSUE Arrow Keys not working in Sidepane of Default View in some VST3 DAWs on Windows (Live, Cubase, Studio One)
KNOWN ISSUE New Kontakt-related files types (NKL, NKT) not opening when Kontakt is launched via loading these files by double clicking in OSs Finder/Explorer
KNOWN ISSUE On macOS, space bar input to start/stop playback reaches DAW only at 2nd press if Kontakt plugin is moved via D&D

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